
Ringling Bros.

Last night we went to see Ringling Bros. circus. The kids had never been so they loved every minute of it! At 30 years old, I had also never been and so didn't quite know what to expect. Jason and I had a great time watching all of the animals and acrobatics and had even better time watching the kids' reactions to the show! We got our tickets courtesy of MomCentral.com. Thank you, thank you Mom Central! The circus will be here until the 20th so if you want to go and you don't want to pay a fortune, use the MC promotion code "MOM" at checkout and you can get 4 tickets for $44! This is a great deal!

Here are a few pictures from the circus!


July Class Schedule

Well mamas, July is going to be one hec of a busy month! Truly what month isn't?!

I will be out of town for the rest of the week as well as the last two weeks in July and have booked weekends till...well till pretty much the end of the year!

Until I find another instructor class is going to have to be sporatic this month.

So here it is, the class schedule for the remainder of July:

July 13, 15, 20, & 22 - 8:45 am at Memorial Park.

Please use the "contact me" button up top if you have questions about class, need directions, etc!

Thank you Houston area mommies for your patience and understanding!



Interesting Fact about Milk

Milk? Interesting? Why yes!

As women calcium is a big deal (in case you didn't know that, it is)! We are continually at risk of losing bone density and for several reasons (of which I won't go into presently). So it is imperative that we actively and continually consume foods that are high in calcium. An obvious source, milk. I love to drink a cold glass of milk, but I really prefer 2% or whole milk. Anything lower than 2% is just too watery for me! I thought I was doing well in the calcium department because it seems that thick hearty milk would be loaded with it! Right? Wrong! The calcium found in milk is actually found in the non-fat portion of milk so the more fat, the less calcium. It turns out that glass of lowfat milk is even healthier than you thought!

Just some food for thought! ;)

Ringling Bros. Ticket Winner

And the winner is...


Congrats! I hope you and the family have a great time!!!


Got Gear?

Per request of my reminder, I finally created some "gear" for my beloved moms living fit (that's you out there, not the blog title)!

Check out the new Moms Living Fit storefront here and grab a Sigg bottle...or t-shirt!

My kids have nearly destroyed the house in these past few minutes so I'll be signing off for now!

How's Your New Year's Resolution Doing?

Six months of 2009 have come and gone! Can you believe it? This year is flying by faster than I can keep up with! How about you? Earlier in the year I did something that I had forgotten about and it crept up and hit me with the strength and speed of lightening. I wrote myself a note months ago re-capping what my goals for 2009 were and where I should be (or in proximity of) by July if I had been sticking to the plan. It was my friendly reminder from me, who knows me so well, and knew that reminder would not only be due but also very necessary! Not surprisingly I found myself feeling a little guilty, a little convicted, and a whole lot ineffective!

I must say however that 2009 has been more productive in comparison to previous years (esp, for a non-child bearing year)! I owe that greatly to the fact that I had some set goals and a plan to begin with! I've heard dozens of times that writing down your goals and expectations are the real key to success and not just in business but in life. I used to shrug my shoulders and say "eh, when I have time"...or "I don't even know what I want!" Sound familiar? As a mom it is easy for our very being to become distorted and discombobulated. We get so wrapped up in all the things we have to do for our kids, hubbies, homes, etc that our own goals get pushed back, left behind, or forgotten altogether.

If you are reading this and thinking to yourself "those new year's resolutions went out the door Jan 2nd" I want you to stop, regroup, and start over! Write down your goals for the next six months and then (if you are like me) write yourself a reminder and put it in your calendar a few months down the road.

For me, I think I will be a work in progress until the day the Lord calls me home! I recently read a quote by C.S. Lewis that I loved. "The longest way round is the shortest way home." For someone who always takes the long way round, this is a comforting statement!

There is hope for us head cases after all!



Sorry I just have to vent and give those of you who might be trying to contact me a heads up!

I love Stroller Strides but our email and phone system sucks! Royally sucks! Either my email or my phone number (and at times both) don't work and there is never a good explanation of why that is! If you are one of the many whose calls or emails I never returned I promise I am not ignoring you!

So for those of you who venture here from the Stroller Strides Memorial website, please use the "Contact Me" button above to contact me about class info, registrations! Other franchisees and pretty much anyone else who needs to get in touch with me, please do the same! Otherwise there is a good chance you will never hear from me! If you are one whose call or email was never responded to, please send me an email from the "contact me" button too!

I apologize for the rant and for any inconvenience this might have imposed!

Thank you.

Whew, breathe!

You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for...

THE CIRCUS!!! OK I know that's not the correct saying, but you've gotta admit the circus is a favorite for kids!
Ringling Bros. is coming to town! Wohoo!!! Take the family and enjoy a fun night of acrobatics, dancing elephants, and more!

Mom Central is offering a Family 4 Pack for $44! That is a great deal! It was $50 for us just to go to the movies a few weeks ago and there was no live entertainment! You can purchase your ticket pack at ticketmaster.com and enter the code MOM in the "MC Promotion Box" at checkout!

Now, who wants to go for FREE?! My sincere apologies, this giveaway applies to Houston moms only (but I'm sure with a little search you non-Houstonians can find a local giveaway)! I am giving away a Family 4 Pack to one lucky Houston family.

How to enter: OK, to get the wheels in motion for fun leave a comment with a funny quote made by your kid that made you laugh out loud! Kids say the darndest things and I never tire of the funny stuff they come up with!

For more entries: Tweet about the coupon code and giveaway, Subscribe to my feed, Post my blog button on your blog or website

Please be sure to leave an email address so me and Mom Central can contact the winner!

The winner will be announced on Sunday, July 5th!

For more information about Ringling Bros. and show times go to www.ringling.com.