
Mommy Madness Begins!

Thursday afternoon I nervously walked into a room filled with CBS Radio personalities and representatives, GM representatives, and moms who like me were still in shock that we were there!

I was excited and nervous and listened and watched in amazement to our presenters who outlined our new role as the Mom Squad!

Here in Houston, there were 200 moms considered and 5 selected for the campaign. They chose us based on our blogs (they selected me for my Moms Living Fit blog).

During the presentation, I could not stop smiling! I don't think any of us could! We went through all of the details of Mommy Madness, were given really cool digital video recorders along with some other goodies...and of course the keys to a new Chevy Traverse!

After a quick elevator race (my team won by the way) we made our way out to an arrangement of Chevy Traverses sitting in a circle at the top of the parking garage! Talk about picture perfect (I didn't get a picture)!

I am still amazed that we all drove off in a new Traverse and it is sitting in my driveway! I think it will take a few weeks for it all to sink in...and then it will be time to give it back!

In the meantime, I am excited to get started in my blog and video posts on the Mommy Madness website!

4 of the 5! One of the moms was out of town. From left to right this is Larami Serrano, Christine Meeker, Angie Siders, and me!

I got the silver one! Stay tuned for the video tour!

Larami and Christine...we all piled into Angie's car to get our "walk-around". I'm sure the Julie, our GM representative felt like she was talking to excited 4 year olds! We couldn't sit still!

Angie was very excited to get the purple one! It is her favorite color!

My new (for 8 weeks) Chevy Traverse making itself at home!

I will post all of the details and answer the many questions I have received! If you listen to 100.3, 96,5, and/or 95.7 radio stations, listen for announcements about our blog posts and adventures in the Traverse!

Follow along and vote for us on the Mommy Madness website starting April 20th!

1 comment:

Sara said...

That's so great Valerie! I'm interested to see what you think about it! Good luck! Sara