
Stroller Exercise Video on ACE Facebook

This is a video featuring a few of exercises that we do in class posted in the ACE Facebook page.

Not exactly related, but here ya go!

This was sent to us by Animal Planet! Thought I'd share!

Title: Media Opportunity - Animal Planet **

Message: Are you thinking about adopting a dog?
Wanna pamper that pooch and get expert advice from some of the nation's top dog experts? Sharp Entertainment is casting for an ambitious new project. Working with some of the best canine experts in the country, they'll transform a shelter dog's life into a Cinderella story, in ways you'll have to see to believe. The Happily Ever After? Once this dog has undergone his transformation, he'll be introduced to his new family's home, which has been given a doggie make-over just for him.

We are looking for charismatic families who have a unique, sentimental, or powerful reason to want to bring a dog into their lives. But above all else we are looking for families who have a lot of love to give, and are truly serious about giving a shelter or rescued dog a forever home. If you think you are perfect for this show, email a brief description of why you should be chosen along with a photo and contact information.



A Great Day for Stroller Strides

Today was awesome! We had great weather, no mosquitos, and a great workout! All of the babies were perfect and even my two weren't too bad! If this is a glimpse of the fun to be had this Fall, then I am thrilled!

Its been 6 months since the birth of Stroller Strides Memorial and I am so happy and honored to be part of the lives of our founding moms. When we started their babies were all just a few months old and now they are celebrating or about to celebrate their first birthdays! We've all been there to share the tips, the milestones, and the laughs!

What a wonderful world Stroller Strides brings!

How do you eat an elephant?

The answer: one bite at a time.

Let me be clear, I'm not telling anyone to eat an elephant! I use this analogy to illustrate the steps to fully living a healthy lifestyle. These steps are small but purposeful steps. It is not always easy to commit to a change of diet and regular exercise. A lot of moms think of where they would like to be, slimmer, healthier, stronger, but are immediately discouraged by the thought of losing those yummy foods or the thought of the guaranteed soreness that comes after those first workouts. Ultimately though it comes down to just starting and then consistently repeating.

One thing I can guarantee is that with consistent diet and exercising you will begin to feel better a lot sooner than you might think! And by dieting I don't mean eating carrot sticks all day. By dieting I mean, reducing those foods that pack on the fat and calories and increasing the foods that promote your health such as fruits and vegetables. In reality, the more you diet and exercise, the more you get to eat! I personally LOVE food and routinely work out a menu that is well balanced AND full of flavor. Don't look for the quick fad diets. Most of them only work short term and several of them are down right dangerous! Take some time to learn the science behind dieting. Learn the difference between good fats and bad fats, good cholesterol and bad cholesterol (yes there is a good kind), why carbs are necessary, what your body requires on a daily basis and how to get it from your foods. I'm not saying to go get your BS in nutrition! Just take a little time to do your homework...and then get out there and exercise!

I'm calling all moms to take action! As a mom not only will you positively impact your life, you will positively impact the lives of your friends and family. I promise when you are lookin good, smiling ear to ear, and not starving they will take notice and want the same!


Lisa Druxman Video-About Stroller Strides

Here is a video recently released by Lisa Druxman about the amazing program of Stroller Strides!

Stroller Strides Newest Member

Congratulations Ami (owner of Stroller Strides NW Houston) and the Almquist family on their newest addition, Nathan Scott Almquist, born August 26th 2008!

New Season, New Blog, New Look!

Back to blogging!

Well Ike came and caused some extreme devastation in Houston so things have been out of whack these past few weeks! Many are still without power and several are currently homeless, but thankfully are city is receiving help around the clock from the Red Cross, PODs, police, and fire dept (even from other cities) to name a few!

Now as we renew and rebuild our city, I invite you all to escape that cabin fever and renew and rebuild yourself among fellow moms and friends! The weather has become cooler and is perfect for Stroller Striding! Please see the Stroller Strides Memorial website for the new class schedules!

Class will resume on Wed, Sept. 24th at 9 am! I am looking forward to seeing you there!