
Do as I say and not as I do!

I say blog and blog often!

Lately you can hear the crickets chirping on the blog! I've been stuck in mommy limbo these past few weeks! First it was a torrential downpour that flooded a lot of the city and then swine flu. I am one that cannot stay put so staying indoors for days on end is not for me! We have to get out, but where and for how long are tricky!

Believe it or not when I am at home, I am completely distracted and have a hard time crossing off things on my to do list...such as blog! When I'm out my brain is free to think (at least for a few minutes) and I can come home spend a few minutes writing and then be "normal" until the next time I get jittery and have to leave think, write, and repeat!

All this to say, I haven't forgotten about my beloved blog and readers! More writings coming soon!

Lastly, one last call for baby blankets for a mission trip. If you have a few to spare, please contact me!

1 comment:

Cascia Talbert said...

This is the first time I've visited you and you have a very interesting blog. It's alright to take a break every once in a while. I certainly do. I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles!